Sunday, July 1, 2018

Research into other blogs showing different types of multimedia and interactivity

There is blogs on all types of subjects such as this blog showing the uses of minecraft in education

 The benefits of Minecraft in Education:
-Student Engagement

Minecraft: Education Edition brings the classroom and curriculum to students in an environment they are already comfortable with. It offers the same Minecraft experience many students enjoy already, but with some additional capabilities that enable them to collaborate in the classroom, as well as support for educators to deliver learning activities within the game.


The game is designed so that students can work in teams to solve problems, or as a whole class to master challenges within the game. Engaging in work teams and learning environments that foster co-operation in the classroom helps prepare students for their futures. It has the same benefits associated with teamwork for teachers. One of the biggest perks is the almost immediate sharing of knowledge from teachers all over the globe.

Creative Exploration

Children learn naturally through a combination of observation, trial and error and play-based practice. An open-learning environment like Minecraft allows students the freedom to experiment and challenge themselves. Much like real life, there are no step-by-step instructions — students must try, fail and try again to achieve the result they want.

theres also blogs on things such as pets and how to care for them for examole thiers even blogs on dogs -
If you’re thinking about becoming a Jack Russell owner, you need to know every detail about the breed before you make any final decisions.
Don’t let actor dogs such as Eddie from the TV sitcom “Fraiser” mislead you into believing when you adopt a Jack Russell that is the type of dog he’ll grow into. Jack Russell Dogs demand plenty of your time and energy. If you are willing to commit to them, it is essential that you know what they are all about.
Here’s what you need to know about Jack Russell dogs:
Size – Jack Russell’s stand 13 – 15 inches high to the shoulders. They weigh about 13 – 17 pounds.
Temperament – Friendly, bold and brave. Jack Russell’s are highly intelligent, have a one-track-mind and are independent. He requires plenty of your attention.
Life Span – The average life expectancy of Jack Russell dogs is 13 – 15 years or longer.
Health – The Jack Russell is a healthy breed and is not prone to any major hereditary health defects. The one health concern that tends to appear in the breed is cataracts.
Grooming – Jack’s come in three different coat textures – Smooth, Broken and Rough. The smooth and broken coat requires minimal brushing during shedding season. The rough coat dogs, on the other hand, will need to be plucked on a regular basis. You can either learn to do this yourself, or you will need to take the dog to a professional groomer.
Social Skills – Jack Russell dogs are quite sociable and are usually friendly with everyone including strangers. They don’t mind children, but are not recommended for children younger than 6 years, as Jack’s will not tolerate being teased or unintentionally abused by children who don’t know how to play with them.
Home Life – Although small, Jack Russell’s are not good apartment dogs. They need plenty of exercise. This breed does well in the country or in a house that has a nice sized back yard. Think of a Jack Russell as a big dog in a little dog body.
Exercise – A Jack Russell is full of energy that never seems to run out! He needs to be exercised frequently throughout the day or he will find other ways to vent his frustrations. 2 – 3, 20 – 30 minute walks a day, plus playtime and the freedom to run around in the backyard keeps a Jack happy.

There also is blogs about gameing such as this one is focused on xbox news and updates.